本视频教程是由cmiVFX机构出品的Substance Painter高精细贴图绘制训练视频教程,cmiVFX Substance Painter In Action,时长:2小时12分,大小:2.2 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Substance Painter, 作者:Sebastien Giroux,语言:英语。
Substance Painter是最新的次时代游戏贴图绘制工具,具有一些非常新奇的功能,比如粒子笔刷,可以模拟自然粒子下落,粒子的轨迹形成纹理。
Allegorithmic Substance Painter是一个全新3D纹理绘画程序与以前从未见过的功能和改善工作流程,使纹理创建 3D 资产比以往更容易。它被公认的最崭新和简便易用的 3D 画家在那里。
Substance Designer 侧重是在你制作一个材质的各种功能性,比如缩放分辨率,调整高光等等。Substance Painter则是为Designer提供了素材,比如手绘的高光贴图,法线贴图等,最终这些题图的功能还是要在Designer里面来完成输出。所以最好双修。
cmiVFX Substance Painter In Action
Attention texture painters everywhere! Finally, all your dreams have come true with this brand new “Substance Painter In Action” training video debut! Ever wondered how top artists at Ubisoft and Activision create their highly polished game characters? Learn from Texture Master Sebastien Giroux has he navigates through a labyrinth of techniques suited to fit the skill levels of the upper echelon of studio artists around the world. Thanks to the technology from Allegorithmic, texture artists can now explore new methods of creating highly interactive shading models for 3d digital assets. After watching this video, you too will be able to create this level of magic.
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